Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Now, Little Boy Lost, He Takes Himself So Seriously

I'm going through a Bob Dylan phase . . . I hope it:
a. doesn't last long.
b. makes me look awesome:
I'll let you know what happens. Other than that, we had the tasting yesterday and I think everybody who shows up at the wedding will really enjoy the food. I will.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No Time Like the Present, the Present Is Time

I think time moves too fast while I'm thinking. By the time I figure out something to do with said time, it's gone. After work, I went over to Grant's place and we started getting ready for Friday's show. Right now I have no idea what to expect you to expect. More on that later (maybe).

My uncle Greg is an interesting guy. When we talk, he always has lots to say, but I have trouble getting in touch with him. I seem to be the same way. A big I'M SORRY goes out to those people who I fail to call back. Anyway, Uncle Greg and I have been working on booking his church for the wedding. I've spent the past two days trying to pick up the application from his house, but we can't seem to organize ourselves and be available to hand off the application. This is my chance to really get something done, and I'd like to have the church booked soon.

I hope people start reading this soon . . . maybe it's time to advertise.
Noah Elrod

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

When 'Do Not' Is Not An Option

It's time for me to really start doing things. I've relaxed for long enough, and now it's time to get things done. Here we go.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Neverending Story

Here's a story. The beginning actually happened, and was all I ever planned to write. The weird end occurred by itself.

Autumn's car was finally ready today, so right after work we went to Pulera to pick it up. On the way there, it began to snow. As I put on the new The Stills record and set course for home, the street was covered and it was coming down nicely. By the time I got to "Snakecharming the Masses" (track 3), it was evident how different roadways look when blanketed with snow. By track 5 ("Everything I Build"), my mind definitely went on autopilot, the staccato guitars lining up with bumps on the road. I was now noticably off-course, turning off the highway miles earlier than usual, resulting in a way home I had never gone before. "Hands on Fire," the eighth track saw my hands leave the wheel entirely. The Monte Carlo now steering itself, I turned to look outside while the snowflakes desperately tried to hide the perferated yellow line that was no longer guiding me home. As the arpeggiated chords of the last song began to play, my car oversteered a turn on the slippery pavement, and I found myself sliding into the snowy white.

Shortly after, my car coasted to a stop among the pure blankness. I got out and began walking, still able to hear the final chorus of "Statue of Sirens" escaping through the open door of my speakers. I am walking still, surrounded by nothing. I can hear the last lines of the song repeating in my head, even now.

. . . and all this because I lost my mind when it mattered most.

Thursday, January 1, 2009